Thursday, July 17, 2014

Can't be Bothered to Rant

Someone, we'll call him Jeff, upon reading my previous post, said they would like it better if I were ranting about something. So I've spent some time today trying to think of something that has me fired up enough to rant. Unfortunately however, it seems like my brain has quietly slipped into that summer phase of quiet detachment where I'm more likely to shrug my shoulders than launch into some verbal tirade.

Perhaps when school starts again, and my brain switches gears back into a more intellectual (and argumentative) phase, I'll feel more like ranting. In the meantime, feel free to peruse the list below of things I might rant about come what may (August actually.)

Top 10 things that I considered ranting about today, but just didn't have the brainpower to commit.
  1. The way that many parents do not  know how to park at my daughter's pre-school.
  2. My neighbor whose fence is on my property by about 8 inches.
  3. The phone case I ordered via Amazon on Monday which was supposed to be here yesterday and has not yet arrived.
  4. The online textbook/software order I placed in June which the school apparently does not have the funds to purchase, even though they have the money to buy materials for newly added courses.
  5. America's sudden obsession with soccer.
  6. The ending of How I met Your Mother.
  7. The ending of 24 Live Another Day.
  8. Female Thor
  9. The fact that someone called me a liberal. (Jeff!)
  10. How quickly this summer is passing by.
Honorable Mention: The price of annual passes to Busch Gardens.

Comment if you'd like a future post to feature a rant on one of these topics.

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